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RE: SAOCA Newsletter

To: "'chuck nicodemus'" <>,
Subject: RE: SAOCA Newsletter
From: "Sankus, Jeffrey H (Jeffrey)" <>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 11:31:34 -0500
Hi Folks;
Yes, I also am very impressed by the first issue of the "The Marque".
This just goes to show the amount of dedication that is behind "SAOCA"
I have never seen a newsletter with so much proffesional quality poured into
Color no less. Everyone involved in this publication have done a tremendous
As stated in past messages, it's pretty obvious that Ian is not alone in 
the "new club". As Chuck would like to see more left coasters, I'd like to
see more 
from the "right" coast people. (come on guys, you have to be a little bit
curious now)
I find it pretty sad that only three people from Pa. have joined the SAOCA.
The more people in each region, the better our regional events can be.
As the saying goes," Many hands make light work". 
Congratulations to Ian and the Marque staff. It just keeps getting better!!

                                                Jeff in Pa.

-----Original Message-----
From: chuck nicodemus []
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 10:46 AM
To: jumpinjan
Cc: Tim Stiffy; Alpine List;
Subject: Re: SAOCA Newsletter

jumpinjan wrote:

> Tim Stiffy wrote:
> >
> > I just got my first SAOCA newsletter this morning. WOW! Great job
putting this together.

I for one had not expected so much! Issue 1 Spring 2002. What a mag.... I
was some what
disappointed though when the story/s ,,,I got into so much, Yeh, I know
continued ,, till next
Consider me engaged and hooked. I need it more and more. Great Pictures and
member info.  As
for the question on page 30, It would seem that Holly Green would be more
Well back to the home page to register. The people on the left coast have to
have more of a
showing ..
chuck In Portland

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