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Re: [Re: Ex. Manifold Repair]

To: "Carl McLelland" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: [Re: Ex. Manifold Repair]
From: Jan Eyerman <>
Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2002 16:51:10 -0500
You are absolutely right BUT, the trick is to know when to do it yourself (and
save many dollars, often time etc) and when to either buy it or let someone
else do it.  This trick is called wisdom and often (but not always) comes with
age and painful, expensive experience.  

Old Pennsylvania Dutch saying- "too soon we get old, too late we get smart"

Jan Eyerman
Older, but not a whole lot wiser

"Carl McLelland" <> wrote:
From: "Louis & Laila" Subject: Re: Ex. Manifold Repair

> After I was finally done, I put it on the car. It
> sprung a leak through the front face. I bought a new one from SUnbeam
> Specialties for $17.00 and was happy the damn thing was so cheap. I figure
> spent 5 hours f-ing around with something that wasn't worth it not to
> mention the cost of the aluminum, helium, rod, cutting tools etc. If I
> buy those 5 hours of my life back for $17.00 or even $30.00 I would in a
> heartbeat!

Not too bad for a "Jarhead"! I learned a similar lesson as a "Grunt", back
in about '67.....

"There's never time to do it right, but ALWAYS time to do it over!"

To learn this lesson in only 5 hours, and only cost $17.00 or $30.00, Lou,
you got off cheaply!! To have learned the same lesson later in life would
have cost you more time and money.....

Your friend,
    Carl    CSRG/HSR-West #247 series 1 Sunbeam Alpine
                                                         Lotus 61 formula

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