My father was fond of telling me that when the Japanese were opening up theie
nation early last century, coming out of the feudal age, they sent people all
'round the world to see how others did things, then decided to adopt what
they considered 'best practice' He said that's why they drove on the same
side as the Brits. Of course, he was English, so may have been a teeny bit
Of course I happen to believe that if you drive on the left side of the road,
the controls should be on the left side of the car! All sorts of safety and
convenience benefits! (Dead easy to reverse parallel park, driver steps out
straight onto kerb, better view of road edge in poor visibility, less glare
from oncoming headlamps). Trust me, I did it for years.
Russell & Neola wrote:
> We're not the only ones with RHD. The Japanese drive on the left