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Re: Virus again

To: Rick Harrison <>
Subject: Re: Virus again
From: Ian Spencer <>
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2001 08:53:02 -0500
The virus, W32badtrans, isn't coming from the list server... it's coming from
people who are members of the list that are infected. It copies the infected
PC's address book and mails itself to everyone in it. It also keeps a record of
all your keystrokes and phones home. I''m sure it does this every time the PC is
rebooted and probably on a regular timed interval too. It's important to
remember that our list server won't pass attachments.

Another virus, W32Goner,  is designed to hit a workstation and knock out any
security settings or software on the PC. It opens the door for W32Badtrans.

Users that aren't infected WON'T pass the virus by sending mail to the list. It
is only sent by users that are already infected and the e-mail does NOT pass
through the list server. You are only getting it from people that have you in
their address book. MS Outlook Express is bad for this because it automatically
places everyone you reply to in your address book. Whether you like it or not!
This setting can be disabled within Outlook's options. - Ian

P.S. Bruce Davis is infected. He does know because I got an e-mail from him last
night about it. Everyone using this list should check their PC's for the above
mentioned viruses. They are being passed around BIG TIME right now.

Rick Harrison wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I was wondering whether anyone else is getting virus-infected reponses to
> their postings to this list. It has happened to me twice now, with the
> subject "re:(whatever the subject of my posting was)". The last one I
> received was from a Ron Davis - is he a member of the list? I sent a warning
> about the virus to his address but got an undelivered response.
> Rick Harrison
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