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Sunbeamland (no Alpine content)

To: "Alpine List (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Sunbeamland (no Alpine content)
From: Russell Maddock <>
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 18:15:07 +1000
This might interest those of you with an interest in Sunbeam extending
beyond Alpines.

Sunbeamland was the name of the factory where Sunbeam motorcycles were built
up until just before the war, and was sort of the jewel in the crown of the
John Marston empire which spawned Sunbeam cars. If you would like to see the
factory there are photos on my site. Visit
Further information can be found at this site-

The building has been purchased by property developers and is in danger of
being torn down. 

This would be very sad for Sunbeam enthusiasts. To me it's more than just a
factory - it's also a monument to the days when British cars and bikes were
world leaders.

An application has been made to have the building heritage listed. Somehow I
doubt that the public servants processing the application will see the worth
of an old Victorian industrial building.

So if you feel that it should be saved, I'm sure your words of support would
go a long way to seeing Sunbeamland preserved. The contact details are
listed below.

Russ Maddock

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frank Sharman []
> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 9:44 PM
> To:   Russell Maddock
> Subject:      Re: Wolverhampton site
> Dear Russ,
> Bev Parker and I have now sent in an application to have Sunbeamland
> listed as a building of special architectural or historic interest.
> It would be very helpful if you could lend support.  As you know the
> architecture of the factory is interesting but it is not great
> architecture.  We have tried to emphasize its historic importance both
> to the town, the UK and even internationally, as the place where great
> bikes were made.  If you could draw attention to your web site and the
> fact that you found the building important enough to come over and look
> at it, that would be very useful.
> The people to correspond with are the Department for Culture, Media and
> Sport.  But the individual dealing with it has provided an email address
> and an email should be quite sufficient.  She is Ms S J Kelly.  Her
> email address is:   Their reference is:
> SL1956-01.
> Many thanks for your help.
> Best wishes,
> Frank
> -- 
> Frank Sharman
> Wolverhampton, UK.
> tel:  +44 01902 763246
> look: no quotes, no graphics!

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