Jim D'Amelio>>"I just hope he's got a good base of people to help..."
I'm glad you mentioned that because it's an important detail that has not yet
been mentioned. As a matter of fact, we do have a very large support group
behind this effort...and it is growing by the day. I'm very amazed at the number
of people who have already joined and are volunteering to organize local
chapters in their areas.
Let me start by saying that my officers are formed from my local group, or the
"Southern Ohio Chapter". We have been an active group for over a year now and
formed to organize the first Invasion event. We were all friends and active
prior to that, but not officially organized as a club. We are:
* President - Ian Spencer
* Vice President - Brian Shilt
* Treasurer - Andrew McGraw
* Secretary - Scott Christie
* Accountant - Reed Spencer
To further that list we have a host of other members that have been in support
along the way. These people have been attending our local meetings and acting as
consultants and represenitives not only to the Invasion events, but to the SAOC
of America as well;
* John Engle
* Doug Jennings
* Jan Servaites
* Mike Phillips
* Clete Smith
* Doug Jennings Jr.
The outstanding group of people I have just mentioned are been my local support
and have been very active players in organizing our growing local chapter of the
SAOC of America. Without them, this would all still be an idea and not a
reality. Next, I want to introduce two people who have also been responsible for
the birth of the SAOC of America and also been active with the Invasion events
from outside the state of Ohio.
* Jeff Sankus from Allentown, Pa. Jeff has been a very enthusiastic member of
the team. He has been involved with this concept from the beginning and has
been one of my biggest supporters. Jeff has volunteered to take on the
Invasion III event in 2003. The unofficial plan is to hold this event in
Reading Pa . It will be focused around a Hill Climb and Rally. Jeff brings
a lot of ideas and enthusiasm to the club and I look to him as a key player
in our success.
* Steven Silverstein from Marlbrough, Massachusetts. We all know Steve as the
lucky dog that found and purchased the F production Championship SIV
campaigned by Don Sessler and the Sports Car Forum. Steve has opened a
whole new door for our organization by organizing the racing portion of the
club. Not only has Steve single handedly researched and documented many of
the successfully campaigned vintage SCCA racing Alpines of the '60s, he is
also successfully working to communicate with the people that are actively
racing Alpines today. We are currently developing a plan for the SAOC of
America to support these gentleman who are proving that the Alpine can
still hold it's own on the track. It's because of Steve and all his hard
work that we can take a look back and remember what a successful racing
history the Alpine really did have.
We also have many new members and they are still coming in. Many of you have
volunteered to start Chapters in your area and I welcome your requests. So far,
I have spoken with a few and I will be making contact with the rest after the
holiday weekend. Let me just mention a few of the early birds...
* Bob Berghult - Atlanta Georgia, President of Local Chapter
* Steve Silverstein - Marlbrough, Massachusetts President of Local Chapter
* Russ Eshelman - Bumpass Virginia, President of Local Chapter
* Jeff Sankus - Allentown Pennsylvania, President of Local Chapter
* Milton Estabrook - Morrill Maine, President of Local Chapter
* Paul Scofield - Florence Colorado, President of Local Chapter
* Bruce Davis - La Verne California, President of Local Chapter
* Brent Kasl - Lincoln Nebraska, President of Local Chapter
Obviously, this list will be growing as memberships continue to come in and more
and more people continue to take on the responsibility to promote activity in
their areas. As a club, we now have the insurance to cover events organized by
regional chapters and in time we will be providing local chapters with
promotional materials and banners to fly at local British Car Shows and events.
The design of this organization is to create local chapters all coming together
to create one national voice for the Sunbeam Alpine. I have structured the SAOC
of America's web site to act as the tool for members to keep informed and up to
date on important club issues. We will also be conduction surveys and votes
electronically rather than wasting time with endless discussions and lengthy
I also want to mention that we are also receiving interest from Canada and I
have altered the online membership form to include it's Provinces. I want to
thank John Slade for his guidance and help for getting it right. I'm sure I can
look to John as a strong supporter in Ontario Canada. Jan Iggbom of Balsta
Sweden is also onboard and have been a VERY positive support person from across
the water.
With all that said... I'm sure I've forgotten to mention someone. There's still
a lot happening and we will continue to build the foundation of this new club as
time goes on.
Finally, I want to extend a SPECIAL thanks to Scott Christie, our SAOC of
America Secretary. Scott has been responsible for communications with the SAOC
of England, for which we look to form a successful and friendly bond. It is the
SAOC of England's dedication and loyalty to the Alpine that has inspired us for
so may years. We look forward to working with them in the future and we all
thank Scott for the work he is doing to help build this relationship.
I hope this answers any of the remaining questions about what is happening here.
Please feel free to contact me directly if you have ideas, questions or
concerns. My door is always open.
Ian Spencer - ian@sunbeamalpine.org
President, SAOC of America