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Re: Fwd: Some Deep Thoughts....

Subject: Re: Fwd: Some Deep Thoughts....
From: chuck nicodemus <>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 09:06:49 -0800
I don't know every once in a while we all need a grin.
As long as the post isn't too long I don't mind, I do have some in my family
and a select friend that just paste the crap out of me and if I ask for them
to not send they don't read that part. Heck some take a 60second bit out of
the mail down load.....phew!
my 2p
chuck wrote:

> Oops...  Before EVERYONE on this list sends me flaming e-mail, let me
> apologize.  I didn't mean to send that to the list.  No sunbeam content at
> all.
> My fault...
> Gary Strom

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