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Re: [Re: [Re: [James Bond car for sale]]]

To: Marc James Small <>,
Subject: Re: [Re: [Re: [James Bond car for sale]]]
From: Jan Eyerman <>
Date: 31 Aug 2001 21:57:42 EDT
I must agree that "Casino Royale" had the second funniest firing squad scene I
have ever seen-the funniest was on "you can't do that on television".


Marc James Small <> wrote:
At 12:45 PM 8/31/01 EDT, Jan Eyerman wrote:
>The "Casino Royale" movie is best fogotten.  

Good heavens, no, Jan!  This is the ONLY Bond flick worth watching over

Marc  FAX:  +540/343-7315
Cha robh b`s fir gun ghr`s fir!

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