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oil cooler

To: (
Subject: oil cooler
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 12:48:48 EDT
Special thanks to Steve, Roger and Eric for some sage advise on overheating 
problems!  I'm implementing those suggestions - going to a closed system and 
plugging up the horn holes. The thermostat, sender and pump all check out OK. 
Steve mentioned the six blade plastic fan. I've removed the old metal fan and 
am running with only the 10" electric fan kit.  Can (should) I use both? I 
have the optional thermo switch to the electric fan which I have set to run 
pretty much all of the time. Seems I remember this thread before on the list 
- but, I can't locate it in my file cabinet.

Also, need source for the plastic fan and good aftermarket oil cooler.  The 
PO had disconnected the stock oil cooler - been running without one for about 
8 years now.

Thanks Again,

Rob T
SV '66

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