Greetings post gall bladder surgery! First let me thank all who sent well
wishes. I was overwhelmed with the kindness and sincerity of this bunch -
it means a lot. My wife is doing fine. While it may be routine surgery it
still lays you low for a while, but she's looking forward to eating
whatever she wants. I think her first request will be a greasy pizza!
Now, on to the fuel question. Thank you one and all for your responses.
Unfortunately it supported everything Ian has been telling me for weeks and
I hate it when he's right. Paul Scofield chided me for not putting the
freshly restored tanks I bought from him into my car, but I'm saving that
for the Series 3 GT restoration to commence this winter. Hopefully for the
next Invasion you'll see the finest, most authentic Series 3 GT in
existence. It will be Moonstone with a scarlet interior, so look for it
next June. In the meantime I'll continue to run the ST with the choke
pulled halfway out and take my chances. On the way up to the Dayton British
Car Show this past weekend the generator finally blew. Luckily I found a
freshly rebuilt unit for $50 at the show, so that will go in soon. Now I
have to figure out why my fuel gauge reads empty all the time and the temp
gauge reads hot all the time. Frustrating, but it comes with owning one of
the finest cars ever built, right?
Again, many thanks to this list for your support.
Scott Christie