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Sunbeam Northwest, Sisters, OR Aug 24 - 26

Subject: Sunbeam Northwest, Sisters, OR Aug 24 - 26
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 14:08:46 EDT
To all, especially those in range of central Oregon:

I am not an organizer but since no one has mentioned this great event I will.

Sunbeam Northwest, Rootes Roundup.    Poker run Friday morning, Rally on 
Friday afternoon (twisty mountain roads like Viagra for your car), Autox on 
Saturday and Show and Shine on Sunday plus banquet.    Located at Comfort 
Inn, Sisters, OR in the beautiful mountains of west-central Oregon.   A 
couple of us are leaving Thursday morning from Seattle.   We may take some 
backroads via Mt. St. Helens and make a day of it.    Call the Comfort Inn 
541-549-7829 for reservations.  They held rooms at $79 + tax but the 
guarantee date is past but ask for the SBNW rate.   There are RV spaces at 
Mountain Shadow RV park.   Contact David Boyd 541-385-5971 or

Rob Carpenter

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