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Another Sacrafice

To: <>
Subject: Another Sacrafice
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 12:52:46 EDT
Here is another sample from the Tiger list of how Alpines "sacrafice" there 
lives for the over rated Tiger.
For what it's worth, I too have done this warning light restoration.  But I 
took mine from a Tiger MK II serial #.....633 and placed it in my Seires 3 
Alpine. Ummmm......

Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 09:37:52 -0700
From: "tjordan" <>
Subject: Re: Red Dash Warning Light

Also lost in the "simple" solution is the fact that the red lense has a
"keeper" on each side.  This allows the lense to drop into the "receiver" in
the housing.  It also keeps the lens from moving once installed.  In order
to turn the lens and have the chrome bezel fit properly, you must modify the
keepers on each side of the lense.  This can be done very carefully with a
razor.  Remove just enough of the plastic keeper that will allow it to drop
completely into the recessed receiver.  Otherwise the chrome bezel will not
fit over the housing properly.  If you take too much off the keeper, the
lense may turn back to the faded side.  If this is the case a small dab of
superglue on one of the keepers will secure it and prevent the lense from
rotating to the faded side.  I used an old wornout unit from an Alpine to
test out the modification and it worked out just fine.

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