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RE: Raiator Cap Pressure

To: "Brent Kasl" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Raiator Cap Pressure
From: "Robert J.Jaarsma" <>
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 22:35:30 -0400
I don't have the answer.  But if you run the pressure up too much the heater
cores have a tendency to bulge out and or burst at the seams.  It ha
happened to me.  Coolant all over the gaspedal area.
I reinforced both sides with extra metal cross bracing before installation.
Robert Jaarsma

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Brent Kasl
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2001 10:02 AM
Subject: Raiator Cap Pressure

According to the Rootes manual, the pressure cap for a 1725 S5 is rated
at 9lbs. I have a 13 lb cap on my sons car and want to correctly replace
it, however, their does not seem to be a 9 lb cap available, and
according to the radiator cap catalog, this car requires a 7lb like my
S2. What is correct and what is everyone running? Thanks Brent

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