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Alpine numbers growing

To: "Alpine List (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Alpine numbers growing
From: Russell Maddock <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 09:02:30 +1000
Yesterday I called in to a shop  that sells rubber and trim clips and such
for all makes of old cars. The guy in the shop asked me what sort of car I
needed bits for and told I him it was an Alpine. He said "Geez mate, those
things must be popular. You're the fifth one this week doing up an Alpine."

Also noticed in the newspaper this morning an article about a guy who is in
trouble with the local council because his yard is completely filled with
derelict British cars and the neighbours aren't happy. There were photos and
75% of the vehicles must have been Rootes - either big Humbers or Vogues
mostly. The sad part is unless he does something I reckon the council will
go in and scrap the lot. 


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