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RE: [Re: [Re: Fw: Camshaft]]

To: Jan Eyerman <>,
Subject: RE: [Re: [Re: Fw: Camshaft]]
From: Jarrid Gross <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 09:29:40 -0700
Jan wrote,

>The only reason to install an electric pump is if you have a bad cam lobe
>the fuel pump (which is supposedly the problem this fellow has).  I have a
>1/2-2 lb pump which seems to do the job OK although I have reverted back to
>the mechanical pump because I had too many problems with the fittings
> I originally used the electric pump to solve my gas overflow problem.... I
>have a switch under the dash (the old dashboard light switch) hooked to the
>pump.  To shut the car down I simply turned off the pump and waited until
>car ran out of gas!!  No more overflowing gas!
>Only problem was that every week or two I had to tighten the fittings on
>pump because they would start to leak.  Rather then continue fighting with
>that problem, I disconnected it and put the mechinal pump back in service.

On a side note, running with an electric pump with the mechanical pump
in place is a very quick way to wipe out the pump eccentric on the camshaft.

Jarrid Gross

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