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Re: [Re: Fw: Camshaft]

To:, <>
Subject: Re: [Re: Fw: Camshaft]
From: Jan Eyerman <>
Date: 7 Jul 2001 15:56:02 EDT
Why not dump the mechanical pump and go for an electric???

Jan wrote:
Regarding camshafts, I agree wtih Brent Edinger's response about Delta
Camshaft in Tacoma.  Why spend $200 with Elgin, when Delta will offer over 20
proven regrind profiles for Alpine or Hillman at about $50?  Delta has an
inductive lobe hardening process and they Parkerize their final products.  If
you try to use the damaged fuel pump eccentric without first having it
repaired and hardened, it will continue to disintegrate sending plenty of
metal particles into the oil.  Eventually, the fuel pump arm will wear away
and/or break.  I have seen this happen several times too.
Jim Leach  Pacific Tiger Club  Seattle

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