I noticed, so far, that the third gear is obviously worn a slight taper in
the front half of each of its cogs. I assume that this was because the fork
was worn and therefore only holding the gear halfway in place and the reason
it pops out so easily when coasting in third If I added a new fork I would
force the gear in all the way.
The real brains (father-in-law) likes the look of the gears and the way
they are wearing.
We have not checked for wobbles. I will check for wobbles.
> I just talked to Doug Jennings (Tiger Auto) and he said that the speed
> gears (gears supported on a bushing on the mainshaft) are wobbly on the
> mainshaft, so the bushing is worn and that's why the forks wear out and
> it pops out of gear. How much wear does the tranny have?
> Jan
> --
> --
> ______ ______ _______
> / ____/ / ____/ / ___ /
> / /___ / /___ / /__/ / _| _ _ . _ _ _
> /___ / /___ / / __ _/ (_|_(/_ /_)_|_(_|_| )_/_)
> ___/ / ____/ / / / \ \ _|
> ____/ /_____/ /_/ \_\http://mall.turnpike.net/~servaijm