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Engine Conversions

To: Alpine List <>
Subject: Engine Conversions
From: Scott Rohr <>
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 23:10:57 -0700
OK, I'll throw my two cents in as well. I converted my Series I to a Mazda 
rotary engine many years ago now. I guess I like a really big challenge, 
because for a long time this has also been a "rolling restoration". I can only 
say the car has brought me many happy miles of motoring. I have driven it from 
Seattle to Los Angeles, to New York, to the Maritime Provinces of Canada, back 
to Los Angeles, then to Seattle, and finally back to Los Angeles again over 
that last seven years. It was also my daily driver up until a year and a half 

I agree with what seems the consensus of the list; if you want it to go fast, 
save the money and buy the Tiger. If you want something a little more reliable 
than a stock Alpine, then a conversion might be a good idea. To do a really 
nice job it takes a huge amount of time, but you end up with a work of art that 
brings a special pride. I doubt I would do another conversion, but then I doubt 
I will ever sell this car. Since I always keep finding little things to 
improve, I doubt the car will ever be truely finished. If you decide to 
convert, make sure you enjoy working on the car as much as you like driving it. 
Otherwise you will end up frustrated over the time it takes to get it on the 
road, and will probably end up resenting that it cost you more than the car is 
worth. I don't think anyone can tell you if it's a good idea to convert. There 
are pluses and minuses to each option, but everyone has to decide what part of 
the hobby they enjoy.

Just some thoughts from the already converted.

Scott Rohr

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