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Powder Coating Wire Wheels

Subject: Powder Coating Wire Wheels
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 08:31:27 EDT
I am making an effort to have a company that manufactures powder for powder 
coating to match the original Wire Wheel sample I obtained from Ian and Jan.  
They have some colors that are very close but just not "right on".
It is impractical for me to mix just enough to do one set of wheels so I am 
asking for your help.  If you are interested in obtaining some of this powder 
for a future job, please contact me and I will start a list.  I am guessing 
they can mix as little as 20-30 pounds.  This means if it takes 2 pounds to 
do a set, I need 10-15 people in on this deal.  
At this point I don't have any idea on price but those of you that have done 
some coating know that powder is pretty cheap.  I can't imagine this running 
more than $20.00 a guy. (or gal)

Here is a link to my powder coater here in Florence, Colorado.  This guy does 
great work and you could have him do it or just take the powder to your own 
guy.  Speaking of powder coating.......  I will be brining a few items to the 

See you there.
 <A HREF="";>Click here: Powder Coating 

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