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Re: [re: A Food Funny]-OFF TOPIC

To: Ian Spencer <>
Subject: Re: [re: A Food Funny]-OFF TOPIC
From: Victor Hughes <>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 09:00:07 +1000
"Limey" is apparently from the English navy practice of carrying limes or other
citrus fruit to prevent scurvy (Vitamin C). I have often heard Aussies calling
eachother 'happy little Vegemites'; it's often used sardonically to a grumpy
person - 'Gee you're a happy little Vegemite today!'  Aussies have a rhyming 
word for Yanks which is kind of food based but I don't want to offend my 
friends on the list by revealing it.

Call me Vic "Dogs Eye" Hughes  (Dogs Eye being rhyming slang for Meat Pie, which
you eat with 'Dead Horse' - ie sauce)

Ian Spencer wrote:

> Just call me "The Chili Dog!" :-)
> >>> Jan Eyerman <> 05/30/01 08:14AM >>>
> It has long been a British tradition to give their enemies a derogitory "food"
> nickname.  Hence the French were "frogs" (for frog's legs), the Germans were
> "krauts", etc.  The American repaid the Brits by calling them "limeys".
> What would the Americans call the Aussies and what would Aussies call the
> Americans???   "Vegimites" and "Big Macs"???
> Jan Eyerman (if you are what you eat, you can call me "the Whopper")
> "Rick Harrison" <> wrote:
> Bob,
> In relation to point 4. Them's fight'n words!!! I have forwarded a copy of
> your posting to the Prime Minister and have been assured that a state of war
> now exists between Australia and the United States. First targets -
> Macdonalds, KFC, etc, etc - down with American running dog fast food
> imperialism!!
> Name withheld in the interests of national security
> _________________________________________________________________________

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