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Expensive noise - more...

To: Alpine list <>
Subject: Expensive noise - more...
From: Scott Donnelly <>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 09:44:46 -0400
I've only put 200 miles on this car so I've never had the engine apart.
The previous owner only put about 800 miles on in in as many years and
had no reason to do any mechanical work during his ownership. It very
runs well but now I wonder if it was a little noisier than it should
have been which may support my stuck wrist pin/broken piston skirt
theory. The noise is no more pronounce with the rocker cover off. The
oil pressure is steady (does not pulse) and ranges from 25-45 depending
on rpms. I am running an electric fuel pump and the mechanical pump has
been removed. The water pump is new. I'll check the hand crank adaptor
nut - wouldn't that be nice!
Scott Donnelly

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