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Race car is on it's way to the Invasion

To: Sunbeam <>
Subject: Race car is on it's way to the Invasion
From: Steven Silverstein <>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 22:48:05 -0400
I loaded the race car onto the transporter this evening.   Driving
an un-muffled race car into a Semi-trailer is painful... really painful.
My ears are still ringing and I didn't even drive it in.

I really am looking forward to getting to Dayton.... getting away from
work... checking out other Alpines... and the Air Force museum.

I am glad the car is gone and want to thank David Kellogg for his assistance
getting the car cleaned up and for advice.  I really hope to meet many of
the people that I have been corresponding with but never met personally.

I still chuckle when I look at the before and after pictures of the car.
A little over year ago my original intent was to scavenge parts...
and it probably would have been had my wife not found the letters and notes
from Dan Carmichael in the parts boxes.

Steve Silverstein

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