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re: thermostat woes

Subject: re: thermostat woes
From: "Paul Heuer" <>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 13:47:37 +0930
Hi Rick,
I've had a QH thermostat stick shut on me, and it was about four years old. 
I usually stick with well-known brands, so I was disapointed to have it fail 
on me. The head gasket was OK when it failed, but the head went within about 
six months of the thremostat failing so I suspect some damage was caused.

Please post your findings to the alpines list if you get advice as to how 
often to change the thermostat.

BTW - I just got back from the 'Cavalcade of Cars' at the Moonta Cornish 
Festival. About *800* classic cars and bikes on a two-hour cruise through 
rolling countryside. Plenty of slooow cruising, stop & start to test the 
cooling system. Luckily it was only about 18 degrees Celcius.

S3, South Australia

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