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re clutch trouble

Subject: re clutch trouble
From: "Rick Harrison" <>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2001 23:56:23 +1000
Rob, (sending this again - I have a feling the message may not have come 
through last time)

Some time ago I had trouble getting new clutch plates so I was forced to use 
reconditioned ones. In the reconditioning process not only is the lining 
replaced but I believe that the springs are also replaced. In order to do 
this the little tabs are bent away, the springs removed, new ones put in and 
the tabs bent back. This weakens the tabs and on two occasions I have had a 
tab break off and a spring fall out and lock up the clutch. Could this have 
happened to you? Needless to say, I don't use reconditioned clutches any 

Rick Harrison

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