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To: (T.J. Higgins)
Subject: Re: DYBCW
From: (lauri lehtinen)
Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 09:10:56 +0300
Excuse moi,
but is this DYBCW international (global, all human beings involving etc.)

If so, I will launch this theme week among all thease "Do not tease your
neighbour's cat's religion" type of weeks in Finland.

In Scandinavia the end of May may be a bit early for british roadsters, but
on the other hand (RHD/LHD?) it is clearly the opening of the season.

I do my best (as swedish and norwegian fellows too) to add this important
week into the calenders of the finnish enthusians.

#arry Leaflet


>Just a reminder that the 5th annual Drive Your British Car Week starts
>this Saturday May 19 and runs through May 27.  Assuming the weather
>cooperates (the forecast is looking pretty good here) I plan to drive
>my Jensen every day during that time.
>T.J. Higgins
>Huntsville, AL
>'76 Interceptor III
>'67 Alpine V

#auri Lehtinen
Lehtipuu Oy
Kirkonkylantie 83
00780 Helsinki
tel: +358 400 851988

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