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Re: Unbelievable

Subject: Re: Unbelievable
From: Robert Dobrowski <>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2001 18:14:27 -0700
I have a similar problem though not as serious on my AH 3000 but I'm
pretty sure I know the cause. 
I just haven't had the time to work on it. In my case I know that the oil
pump shaft has a very slight bend and hangs up slightly.
This prevents it from pumping the full volume of oil. 
That combined with old leaking seals throughout the overdrive is causing
it to drop out of overdrive frequently and to sometimes fail to engage.
When it fails to engage it acts exactly as you describe. 
Check the oil pump carefully.
They are notorious for getting bent when a ham handed mechanic (such as
myself) reinstalls the OD and doesnt  keep the oil pump plunger fully
It sounds like your OD is building up full hydraulic pressure. There is
only two possible causes.
A fluid leak (bad seals) or a bad pump.

On Tue, 08 May 2001 06:29:15 -0500 Brent Kasl <> writes:
> No Od! That's right. For the second attempt I still do not have a
> working OD unit. My first attempt in 2000 saw something happening 
> when
> OD was engaged just to discover when lifting off the gas the car
> fluttered and redeuced revs, and when disengaging OD, it did act 
> like a
> downshift. We suspected low oil pressure so out it comes. I was told 
> the
> incorrect cam lobe was provided that did not have a peaked enough 
> lobe
> to allow full oil pressure build up. Makes sense. So the correct cam 
> was
> installed and back in for a try. Monday night saw 3500 and higher 
> rpm
> and OD engaged. Nothing. When lifting off gas, yes their is 
> something
> going on because of the quick drop in rpm, and when disengaging, 
> their
> is a downshift effect. But I do not see the drop at high rpm with 
> steady
> speed. All electrics appear fine. Am I missing something basic? My 
> next
> step is to question the supplier about the cam lobe. I have not 
> tried
> running the car on stands yet. That may be tonight. Thanks Brent

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