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Optronic ignition

Subject: Optronic ignition
Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 08:40:36 +0100
In order to cut down on the dwell variation on my Alpine I recently
installed a Luminition Optronic ignition system which is giving me problem
starting the engine and wonder if anyone can help.

When the car is running it is great and when warm starts no problem. When
starting from cold the engine turns much slower than on the contact breaker
system and if  I remove the power lead from the ignition module the car
over turns quickly again but obviously won't start. I find it hard to
believe that the lumination unit drains such a massive amount of power. It
may be because of where I have connected the power lead - directly to one
of the terminals with white leads on the back of the ignition key system.

Does any one else have this system installed and could help me with my
problems, I have charged the battery fully and the problem still occurs at
cold start. Like I say it runs perfectly once started but it terrible to

The wiring diagram they supply shows a ballast resistor to the coil which I
don't have,  could this be the problem?
The diagram they give also has the battery connected to the ignition key
system where as on the Alpine the battery is connected to the starter unit
under the bonnet, any problems here?

Any help greatly appreciated

Dave Kelly
1962 SII

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