Congrats on having much patience! I gather getting those shims right is
a pain!
I saw the "brake drum as slide hammer" trick for the first time recently
and it seemed like a really nifty one! When you mentioned it, I
wondered about the following, so I thought I'd ask those that've been
The drum is cast iron. How great is the possibility (especially when
dealing with a recalcitrant (read: hasn't been off in a LONG time and is
unwilling to budge) axle) of the drum fracturing?
Has anybody had this happen, or is it "not a problem?"
David Sosna
Fisher, Michael wrote:
> p.s. A very easy rear axle puller is the brake drum and four 3" bolts.
> Remove the bolts holding the drum and replace the current bolts with the
> long 3" bolts. Then the brake drum will slide on the long bolts acting as a
> pull hammer to ease the axle out. Works great as I can attest, since I have
> pulled the rear axles more than I wish to admit over the past five years!