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Re: Is this the right list?

To: "Kurt Eckert" <>,
Subject: Re: Is this the right list?
From: (Scott E. Christie)
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 08:53:45 -0400
Yes it has been disturbing lately but there is good news! (Phillip Einhorn) and I have had lengthy discussions
off-list and all is well. Apologies were offered all around and lessons
learned so there will be no more on this subject.
We can all get back to discussing relevant topics and putting those caravans
together for the Invasion.
Scott Christie
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kurt Eckert" <>
To: "Alpine list" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 5:55 PM
Subject: Is this the right list?

> I have been away from the list for a bit as I was working a lot and had a
> Subaru Impreza project going on. Frankly I am amazed at the change I see
> that I have been reading the list again. My first post back was a response
> to the Mitsubishi Lancer thread talking about my Impreza project. I was
> soundly slammed for being off topic in a private email from, you guessed
> Then I see Curt's name being dragged through the mud.
> couldn't even imagine trying to work on my Alpine without Curt. He has
> always been a huge resource for me. He is always willing to answer
> questions, track down the silliest part and take back said silly part when
> you find out that it was in fact another silly part that you really
> If there was an Alpine Hall of Fame, Curt would be in it.
> I have been on this list for over 8 years. One of the things that I love
> about it is the respect for others that is generally exhibited. I would
> to try to treat people with a little more respect. If
> plain old human kindness isn't a good enough reason, then think of it this
> way. If you are truly a Sunbeam fan then you will need the people on this
> list for help. That help will not be there if you alienate everyone.
> Regards,
> Kurt
> 1963 Series III GT
> 2000 Subaru Impreza Turbo
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Barbara Blue
> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 10:46 PM
> To: Victor Hughes; T.J. Higgins
> Cc: Alpines
> Subject: Re: apology in order
> I got one for noting that the Metro master Cylinder was small enough and
> the proper bore to possibly serve as a source of dual master cylinders.
> Bill
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Victor Hughes" <>
> To: "T.J. Higgins" <>
> Cc: "Alpines" <>
> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 5:57 PM
> Subject: Re: apology in order
> > "T.J. Higgins" wrote:
> >
> > > I haven't noticed any problem posts on the list from Sabirfocla.
> > >
> >
> > You wouldn't TJ, they don't get posted on the list, just sent direct to
> whoever
> > has offended him.  I got one last year for announcing that my 8+ year
> resto was
> > almost complete.  I used the delete key.
> >
> > Vic Hughes
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> > > In any case, we all need to keep it civil on the list, and on topic as
> > > much as possible.  Posts like Chris Avery's are WAY out of line.
> > > Flames on the list will not be tolerated.  Wouldn't it be ironic if
> > > Chris had to be booted off the list but not Sabirfocla.
> > >
> > > The good news of the day is that I drove my Jensen for the first time
> > > this year.
> > >
> > > --
> > > T.J. Higgins
> > >
> > > Huntsville, AL

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