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Re: (no subject) open reply

Subject: Re: (no subject) open reply
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 19:19:09 EDT
Rob (last name)?

I tried to figure out just who you are, but since we have about 45+ Robs and 
Roberts in our data base I'm sorry to say I can't place all of your comments.

In regard to being a captive customer, I disagree. Five Sunbeam vendors in 
the United States along with at least five more in England is not bad. 
Consider that Sunbeam Alpines & Tigers have about 1/50 of the production of 
say MGB's and Midgets. Also consider that the last of our marque was made 
over 30 years ago and we have no factory support whatsoever.

No, I'm not Moss Motors with a 100,000 square foot warehouse, hundreds of 
employees and a 10-20 million dollar inventory. Frankly I'm not even Victoria 
British which sells MG, Triumph, Austin, Truck as well as Sunbeam.

I'm not making excuses, just stating the fact that I as one person can never 
compete on that level. What I and my wife do is do the best possible job with 
a very limited customer base and funding.  Neither of us take a salary and 
all profits after expenses is put into reproducing more needed Sunbeam parts. 

In regard to your specific comments:
1: Shipping partial orders: Yes on occasions I have both shipped the majority 
of an order rather that wait for one or two items to complete the order.  
Yes, I have left parts out of any order in error, but have then shipped the 
parts without addition shipping charges once I was notified of the error.
2: "It's hard to use wheels without lug nuts". I don't sell wheels! Never 
did, sorry!
3: "Parts not as described", please be more specific.  I never intentionally 
mislead anyone in regard to NOS, Repro or the description of an item.
4: "Parts that are nonreturnable", again name it. My policy for the last 30 
years is if it's your fault or ours, a full refund, without a restocking 
charge is made. The only exception is on special order items such as green 
seat kits with purple piping.

Have I made mistakes, yes, have I had long delays in shipping items, yes if 
they are not in stock and yes I do apologize personally to you for these 

Classic Sunbeam

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