Hello Tiger Tom,
Thank you for your exceptional kindness in mentioning the very small bit
of work I did to support the autocross section of the TE/AE United Handbook.
In my [outspoken] estimation the real credit belongs to those like you and
others in the Club who have had the foresight to start this work, and
particularly to those who took the initiative to begin the United handbook.
It was *indispensable* to us on the New England United Board; I think it
safe to say we couldn't have offered half as good an event were it not for
the backbone of planning and preparation offered by the handbook. My thanks
to everyone who had a hand in it.
Best of Luck to Rannie and his cohorts as they gear up for October. If
your group is anything like ours, your work will feel light indeed. If I
may be of any help, please look for me at this address, and look for me in
St Louis this fall.
Still rolling my Tiger around in the snow....