Invasion T-shirts will be ready for delivery this Friday. For those of you that
placed pre orders, we will be sending your shirts out first thing next week.
Just a reminder... May 8th is the dead line for PRE-REGISTRATION. After May 8th
registration will increase $5.00 per person. Please help us by registering
early. This will greatly help by providing a somewhat accurate head count for
We've got some great cars line up as well as some great activities. Tom Wiencek
will be coordinating a Rootes Olympics for the kids. We also have a freshly
dipped Alpine body to be displayed in one of our rotating frames. I think this
will make a GREAT tech session and having guys like Jan Servaites, Doug
Jennings and Tiger Tom around to point out areas of interest regarding the
Alpine/Tiger body should be very interesting for all. We will have several
examples of different sheet metal panels from most of the Sunbeam parts vendors
on hand to demonstrate what your money buys and how it all goes together.
Please help us by spreading the word to anyone you might know who isn't online
or does not have access to a computer. Scott Christie has been hard at work
promoting the event to many magazines, club newsletters, and web sites. You can
help by word of mouth. Lets make this a Sunbeam weekend to remember! See ya all
in June - Ian
The Sunbeam Invasion - June 8th, 9th, 10th 2001: Dayton, Ohio
http://www.sunbeamalpine.org for registration form, maps and details.