To answer a question just presented... "just wondering, do you have to be
PRESENT to win the gift certificates or just registered?"
You must be registered to win. We would like it if registered participants
actually showed up, but if someone wishes to register and not attend, YOU WILL
BE ENTERED IN THE DRAWING. If your name is drawn we will contact you with your
prize. Prize winners will be posted on my web site after the Invasion weekend
is over.
We will be giving away many small door prizes throughout the afternoon on
Saturday. We will keep the tickets of anyone who wins one of the small prizes
and enter them back into the hamper for the gift certificate drawings.
I want to stress... We will welcome anyone who wishes to register for the
Invasion just to be in the drawing. BUT, I really want to encourage everyone to
attend. Participation is the key to a great weekend!
Thanks again! - Ian