Yes, that is what they would have done. I've had this done by extending the
shaft on the oil pump with a custom made spacer. - Ian
Ian Spencer
Client Services
University Hospital
Health Alliance of Greater Cincinnati
(513) 584-0365
>>> "steven kirk" <> 03/19/01 01:23PM >>>
I have recently had a 1600 distributor modified to enable me to use the tach
cable drive in my series 2 with a 1725 engine. A local machine shop, I
believe extended the original shaft.
Steve Kirk
Series 2
---- Original Message -----
From: Jarrid Gross <>
To: Thomas Wiencek <>; Alpine List <>
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 10:46 AM
Subject: RE: Distributor Question
> >I have a related question. Will a 1725 distributor fit on a 1600? Will
> Series IV distrb. (electric tach.) fit >on a Series II-III 1600?
> Not exactly.
> Mounting a 1725 dist on a 3 main involves making a spacer,
> although I dont recall if its the 1725 or the 3 main that has
> the oil drive gear sticking out of the block.
> Anyhow, early "tach drive" dists can be run on a 1725, and
> later dists can be run on early engines.
> One requires an extention plate fitted between the dist
> and the block, and the other requres an extention to the
> dist drive cog on the oil pump.
> Both have been done succesfully.
> Jarrid