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Alpine and Tiger clutch master cylinders

To: <>
Subject: Alpine and Tiger clutch master cylinders
From: "Louis & Laila" <>
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 17:21:42 -0800
Howdy All,
     I want to use a dual master cylinder for my Alpines brakes, as well as
dual Weber carburators. I had a brilliant idea "Why not move the brakes over
one hole like a Tiger". Then it occoured to me that the clutch might hit the
fenderwell. Which leads me to my question: Did they use the clutch master that
they did for the Tiger because the hose came out of the top, or is it because
it has a different bore size? And if the bore size is different, can I use the
same one on an Alpine and stillt provide enough for and aft movement to
actuate the clutch? And will the pedal be stiff? Thanks to those who know the
bore sizes and throws of the top of your heads. Lou

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