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Re: Smitty's phone number

Subject: Re: Smitty's phone number
From: (Christopher Albers)
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 07:44:10 -0800 writes:
>I have tried to contact Loren Smith, AKA Smitty, and the operator has
>told me
>his phone number "has been disconnected, or is no longer in service" I
>his father recently passed away, so I am wondering if any one there in
>knows his whereabouts, or why his phone number no longer works. Thank
>you in
>advance. Lou

I called him on Monday with no problems.  Tried him yesterday and got
the disconnected message you refer to.  I know that at times Smitty
lives hand to mouth and spends a lot of $ on that Scientology 'stuff'
he's into, so it is possible he just couldn't pay the bill.  Then
again, maybe his landlord finally evicted him.  He's been trying to
mess with Smitty for years.


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