I tried it again and got the new web site. I spoke with Rick a couple of years
ago and at the time he was thinking about an online catalog. For those of you
that prefer to do online shopping, I would like to point out that Curt at
Classic Sunbeam is online and has a nice online cataloge complete with shopping
carts. www.classicsunbeam.com
Ian Spencer
Client Services
University Hospital
Health Alliance of Greater Cincinnati
(513) 584-0365
>>> Roger Gibbs <rgibbs@pacbell.net> 12/13/00 02:18AM >>>
Ian Spencer wrote:
> I got home tonight to fine a NEW (DECEMBER 2000) Sunbeam Specialties
> catalog in my mail box! The front cover has a web address of
> www.rootes.com, but when I tried it, it pulled up to aero.com's web
> site. Has anyone else tried it yet?
Just tried it (www.rootes.com) and up comes the Sunbeam Specialies
page. The only link on the page appears to be the e-mail link to Rick.
I guess it is too much to hope for an on-line catalog?