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Re: LHD Home Market?

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: LHD Home Market?
From: "Ian Spencer" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 13:01:15 -0500
It's more than likely that the H is for high compression. 

Ian Spencer
Client Services
University Hospital
Health Alliance of Greater Cincinnati
(513) 584-0365

>>> <> 12/13/00 11:51AM >>>
(regarding B006009814 HSLX)
>OK...that engine comes from a Series VI Hillman Minx.
>The HSLX stands for: (H) High compression engine or Home market ,
>(S) Saloon, (L) Left hand drive,
>(X) Non-standard specifications. - Ian

How can a home market car be a left hand drive car?  So, that suggests
either Home market and low compression or high compression and left hand
drive.  Or, I think someone mentioned "Limo".  I'm no Minx expert.  I have
not idea what a Series VI Minx looks like or if a limo is even really a
realistic thought.  But, it seems like a possibility.

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