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RE: Listserver and SPAM

To: Marc James Small <>,
Subject: RE: Listserver and SPAM
From: Jarrid Gross <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 15:26:51 -0700

>Hmm.  I receive around 350 to 500 e-mails a day, and about one SPAM message
>every three or four days.  And I have quite an active e-mail presence.  But
>I just delete and ignore.
>Jarrid, someone out there REALLY likes you!

Actually, I think it work more like this...

Larger email providers "Like mine" are easier to search for as they
have a higher probability of showing up on listserve archives.
Just do a search for "" and you will uncover many listservers.

My provider seems somewhat lax about protecting its customers from spam,
in fact they have begun sending spam to me as well.
If it is well known that a given ISP is less agressive in this matter
then its customers will be exploited by the spammers.

I have been paying VERY close attention to the mail headers and am keeping
a log of what servers are sending me this crap.
There is NO common denominator, and often emails sent to me are sent
from a dialup ISP to other earthlink customers as well.

For just $50 bucks some less than ethical company can buy your and my 
email address along with 100 million others, and send out to whomever they
want.  They of course will choose to send to the easiest routes for them.

Its getting pretty tough to ignore, and my dialup download times are getting
pretty darn long, Its a darn good thing i'm not charged by the phone minute
as many are in Europe for internet connection, otherwise I might go 
postal on them.

Sorry for the BW



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