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Re: Fuel shortage?

To: (Alpines)
Subject: Re: Fuel shortage?
From: (T.J. Higgins)
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 00 7:59:38 CDT
Steve Laifman writes:
> I made that calculation, and see exactly how right he was. I do not
> enjoy paying obscene taxes, being raped by the oil companies and the oil
> producers, refiners controlling supply, and don't like it on those
> grounds.  But really, Tigers and 'Beamers.  Would you drive your car
> less because of it?

I drive my Interceptor less than I would otherwise because of the
high fuel cost.

There was a guy in the UK on the Jensen list who did a magnificent 
restoration job on an Int, but then ended up selling it because he 
couldn't afford to run it.

T.J. Higgins
Huntsville, AL

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