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Re: oil pressure

To: brian steel <>
Subject: Re: oil pressure
From: SJC <>
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 22:56:24 -0700

brian steel wrote:

> what are the specs for oil pressure at idle? looked through my manual but
> couldn't find any
>   brian steel vancouver bc

Hello Gang:
I know that the general consensus is 20-25 lbs is good but mine idles warm at
around 40lbs and about 55-60 at speed. If your engine is in good shape, you
may want to modify the oil pressure relief valve to generate a bit more
pressure, especially at idle. I know the average oil pressure at hot idle
seems to be around 20-25lbs., but what's the group's consensus on what's
actually GOOD for our engines?

Steve Sage
1967 Series V (now for sale even though I haven't bought my Tiger yet)

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