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Re: More brakes

To:, "'Alpine's Peak'" <>
Subject: Re: More brakes
From: Steve Laifman <>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 09:16:10 -0700
Tigers and ‘Pines,

This message is going to the Tigers list and, for the first
time, the Alpine List. Some repetition, then, is in order. To

As Bob Palmer has indicated, we both have Tiger Workshop
Manuals with significantly different procedures for the task
of brake bleeding. My manual is of late vintage, as it
contains Mk II data and wiring diagrams, and is labeled
Sunbeam ‘260 - 289’ Workshop Manual W.S.M. 143, Part No.
6601125. The “66” might be the year?

Bob's may be even later, with a “143/144 Revised” page label.
Without the publication information on the manual, it is
difficult to date. His is labeled “First Re-issue”, which
sounds like it may have even been after the production ended.

Bob points out that the crux of the difference seems to be a
new step #2 to  add a rear brake shoe adjustment to full drum
contact. The Alpine, in many versions, has automatic rear
adjusters, while the Tiger does not, so this may be some clue.

In addition, there is a change in the order of slave cylinder
bleeding, starting with the left front, instead of the left
rear. The earlier(?) procedure then goes from left rear  to
left front, ending on right front. Bob's procedure goes from
the initial left front, then right front, ending on left rear.
Adjusting the rear brakes after, bleeding is complete, ends
his version.

Both seem valid Manuals, and both are late in the production.

With all the manuals (both original and reproductions) and
professionals out there, perhaps there is some insight to be


Steve Laifman         < Find out what is most     >
B9472289              < important in your life    >
                      < and don't let it get away!>

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