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Re: lead free gas

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: lead free gas
From: <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 07:41:26 -0400
 I just did a head for  our SV and  two of the Exhaust valves on the head
that I removed are sunk.  Not sure if this was from unleaded or lack of valve
adjustments. I would have to question whether additives would help, beyond
the feeling that you are doing something and spending  money. Now melted
bullets you might have something there.   Jim

lauri lehtinen wrote:

>  In the end I determined that our valves and
> >valve seats were made from hardened steel and do not require lead.
> >
> >Rob Nanzig
> >67SV
> Please, Rob and others running unleaded, report to all of us when you
> either open the cyl. head or check the exthause valve clearences. Then we
> know if we must melt again bullets to our gas tanks.
> If valve seats begin to worn out (from the exthause pipe) clearences turn
> smaller.
> Łarry
> Łauri Lehtinen
> Lehtipuu Oy
> Kirkonkylantie 83
> 00780 Helsinki
> tel: +358 400 851988

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