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Back to Back Ads

Subject: Back to Back Ads
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 12:37:06 -0700
There is a pair of neat ads for sale right now on eBay.  It is apparently
one page from a magazine.  On one side of the page is the Alpine Ad which
says "for people who haven't forgotten how to have fun" with the picture of
the kids in the toy car made of wood on top of the pictures of an Alpine.
On the other side of the page is an MGB ad, showing "Lute Eldridge,
Lockheed F104 - A Special Breed of Man" driving the MG and parking it in
front of his F104 - the picture is fuzzy, he might even be wearing his
flight outfit.

Clearly the companies were trying to attract a completely different buyer.
Admittedly, I was born the very year my S3 Alpine was made.  So, I never
leafed through magazines trying to decide whether an Alpine or MG or TR
would be for me.  In looking at these ads, I can't say for sure I would
have been more interested in the Alpine.  I mean, who doesn't want the
macho image of the test pilot?  But, then again, I also have to admit that
this very Alpine ad is framed and hanging on my wall here at work!


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