Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Robert.=C2=A0 Thanks for that.=C2=A0 =C2=A0 I got rid of the carbon cannist=
er many years ago when I switched to SUs or maybe earlier.=C2=A0 =C2=A0So w=
hat to do with the metal vent tubes on the carbs that connect to the cannis=
ter in your pic - cap them or vent to air?
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android=20
On Wed., 6 Jul. 2022 at 11:42 a.m., Robert Perry<rgperry@earthlink.net> w=
rote: =20
Attached are two pics on an original 1972 TR6 with ZS carbs with no emissio=
ns except for carbon canister in the front next to the radiator.
-----Original Message-----
From: Yahoo <brucesimms2003@yahoo.ca>
Sent: Jul 5, 2022 9:05 PM
To: 6pack@autox.team.net <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: [6pack] 73 emissions question
Hi all=C2=A0 =C2=A0 just went back to ZS carbs after 20 years with hs6.=C2=
=A0 =C2=A0I had a decent set of ZS on the shelf so used them rather then re=
building hs6=C2=A0 =C2=A0 Looking at the carbs from the passenger side of t=
he car, the metal tubes that go straight out to the left are vented to air.=
=C2=A0 =C2=A0Should the metal tubes on the right side that go up at a 45 de=
gree angle be capped or vented to air?=C2=A0I ran the vacuum line from reta=
rd capsule over to bottom of carb.=C2=A0 The rocker cover vent tube vents t=
o air outside the engine bay.=C2=A0 No emissions test or inspection in my s=
parsely populated province.=C2=A0 =C2=A0Thank you, Bruce Simms=C2=A0
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Robert. Thanks for that. I got rid of the carbon cannist=
er many years ago when I switched to SUs or maybe earlier. So w=
hat to do with the metal vent tubes on the carbs that connect to the cannis=
ter in your pic - cap them or vent to air?<br><br><div id=3D"ymail_android_=
signature"><a id=3D"ymail_android_signature_link" href=3D"https://go.onelin=
l_YGrowth&af_sub3=3DEmailSignature">Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android</a>=
</div> <br> <blockquote style=3D"margin: 0 0 20px 0;"> <div style=3D"font-f=
amily:Roboto, sans-serif; color:#6D00F6;"> <div>On Wed., 6 Jul. 2022 at 11:=
42 a.m., Robert Perry</div><div><rgperry@earthlink.net> wrote:</div> =
</div> <div style=3D"padding: 10px 0 0 20px; margin: 10px 0 0 0; border-lef=
t: 1px solid #6D00F6;"> <div id=3D"yiv0057829848"><div style=3D"color:rgb(0=
, 0, 0);font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:12pt;"><p style=3D"margin:0=
<p style=3D"margin:0;line-height:1.0;"> </p>
<p style=3D"margin:0;line-height:1.0;">Attached are two pics on an original=
1972 TR6 with ZS carbs with no emissions except for carbon canister in the=
front next to the radiator.</p>
<p style=3D"margin:0;line-height:1.0;"> </p>
<p style=3D"margin:0;line-height:1.0;">Regards,</p>
<p style=3D"margin:0;line-height:1.0;"> </p>
<p style=3D"margin:0;line-height:1.0;">Robert</p>
</div><div style=3D"color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-s=
<div style=3D"border-left:1px solid #aaa;padding:10px 0 10px 15px;margin:0;=
" class=3D"yiv0057829848elnk-inline-message-container">
<p>-----Original Message-----<br>From: Yahoo <brucesimms2003@yahoo.ca>=
;<br>Sent: Jul 5, 2022 9:05 PM<br>To: 6pack@autox.team.net <6pack@autox.=
team.net><br>Subject: [6pack] 73 emissions question</p>
<p style=3D"margin:0;line-height:1.0;"> </p>
Hi all just went back to ZS carbs after 20 years with hs6.&nbs=
p; I had a decent set of ZS on the shelf so used them rather then reb=
uilding hs6 Looking at the carbs from the passenger side of th=
e car, the metal tubes that go straight out to the left are vented to air.&=
nbsp; Should the metal tubes on the right side that go up at a 45 deg=
ree angle be capped or vented to air?
<div>I ran the vacuum line from retard capsule over to bottom of carb. =
; The rocker cover vent tube vents to air outside the engine bay. No =
emissions test or inspection in my sparsely populated province.  =
<div>Thank you, Bruce Simms <br><br>
<div id=3D"yiv0057829848ymail_android_signature"><a rel=3D"nofollow noopene=
r noreferrer" id=3D"yiv0057829848ymail_android_signature_link" target=3D"_b=
lank" href=3D"https://go.onelink.me/107872968?pid=3DInProduct&c=3DGloba=
from Yahoo Mail on Android</a></div>
<p style=3D"margin:0;line-height:1.0;"> </p></div> </div> </blockquote=
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