There were very few factory options for the TR6. The overdive was probably the
most well known option and it was called out on the commission number tag with
the suffix being "LO" or "UO" for the NA spec cars. The York air conditioning
units were a factory sanctioned option (did not void the warranty) but were
dealer installed. The Metal Hardtop was a factory option but could also be
purchased from the dealer after sale as a kit. Tires Michelin or Good Year were
fitted at the factory and the Michelins were treated as an option but I am bit
sure how the dealers handled this one.
All of the other stuff (Hardtops, soft tops, lighters, shift knobs, ski racks,
luggage racks, etc) were pretty much aftermarket, a lot of it being from a
company called AMCO.
John Cyg
70 Damson
CC52927 LO