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[6pack] Alternator issues

To: Triumph 6 Pack <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: [6pack] Alternator issues
From: John North <johncnorth@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 09:37:04 -0400
I just finished installing rebuilt carbs, and noticed that the
voltmeter was showing 18 volts.   Measured voltage at the battery,
same thing.   I assumed the internal regulator is bad, happened to
have one from an old unit, it was slightly different, but a four wire
regulator, so i installed that.   Odd... the ignition warning light is
on even before I turn on the ignition.   When started, the warning
lamp goes off and voltmeter still shows 18 volts.   So I guess this
regulator is wrong for this alternator and buy a new regulator.   But
I have the same result.   The ignition warning light is on before
starting, goes off on starting, and the voltmeter shows 18 volts.

I need help...   I have Masters book, but he only covers what to do
when the ignition warning light comes on during operation.   I can't
imagine what I could've done when replacing the carbs, can't see a
connection there, but I'm missing something...

John North
1976 TR6

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