On Sunday 21 February 2010 10:42:20 am jrhauser wrote:
> Bob..
> And what year did your wife leave you due to your car hobby?
> Great cars! Good luck with 'em
Believe it or not my wife of 35 years is still with me! And did I mention that
I have an original 1974 Triumph T140V and a 1998 T-Bird 900?
Now that the kids have all left the nest, she really looks forward to those
rides to car hops during the week on those nice summer days.
She even went with me to the 2008 Vintage Races in Watkins Glen for a day trip
in a light rain in the 3. The only regret was that we didn't take the 4 due to
its wind up windows.
The 4 was the car that delivered the bride to the wedding ceremony for my 2
oldest girls weddings and it was also in daughter #2's best friends wedding
photos. We call the 4 the "wedding car".
I even heard a rumor that my wife will give the 6 a try if I can make sure the
seat can get close enough!
More reason to get back to work!
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