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[6pack] Follow-Up on Exhaust Pipe Hanger

To: 6pack <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: [6pack] Follow-Up on Exhaust Pipe Hanger
From: Douglas Morris <dcmdcm@nc.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 20:53:42 -0500
I finally got around to hangin' the exhaust pipes on my '74 TR6 w/OD.
Remember I asked about where the sam hill to mount the hanger for the
intermediate pipes, since the PO had done a jury rig on mine? (You don't?
Well, I did.)

No matter, it hangs from a bolt in the transmission case just in front of the
speedometer cable drive connection. It's horizontal and points forward. That
bolt isn't used for anything else: a 3/4" 3/8-UNC, I think. There's another
empty threaded hole just like it on the other side. (Don't know what it may be
used for: maybe for another model or make.)
Here's a pic taken from the right-side door.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions.
You guys are always a source of wisdom ...
or "Hey, lemme know you finally get that to work."
Well, heeeere ya go!

Doug Morris, NC

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