For those of you that do NOT visit the 6-PACK Website regularly, I've an
announcement: The TRistate TRiumphs would like to invite you to visit the 2010
6-PACK TRials website:
We've been hammering details of various things such as Welcome BBQ and the
TRack (Bluegrass Motorsports Park) Q&As. Of course we can't forget the SHOW on
and Banquet on Saturday!
We're also offering embroidered shirts, hats, and fleece jackets.
So, when you get a chance, please visit the site & let us know what you think.
Sign up if you like! We know we have a few things to fix, but we welcome
There are a limited amount of slots at the TRack so if you want to drive fast
without the risk of getting a ticket, please sign up soon.
If you'd like to sponsor the TRack event, please write me off list
Also, would someone please pass this on to the FOT list as I'm not a member
Todd Bermudez
2010 6-PACK TRials Committee
Support Team.Net